Whether you are in need of direction, you are simply curious about your natal chart, or you need some support to remember who you are, astrology can help you to realign to your soul’s potential.
We are going on a journey together to learn more about you, your needs, your life mission(s), your relationships and desires.
If you are ready to receive some questions that could help you to consider some situations from different perspectives, receive a clear way to connect to yourself in a compassionate, and empowering way, you are in the right place.
I have been supporting people in their path as a teacher for more that 12 years now, and there is nothing I love more than being able to support humans in their journey with depth, humour, and in a practical and proactive way.
I want to help you in feeling comfortable in your skin, challenging your own inner stories, and I would be honoured to hold space for you without judgement.
I am not going to help you to fix anything, because you are not a bicycle.
But there is so much to love because you deserve to be loved like everyone else, and I want you to remember that.
Click here to read what my clients say
Some practical info:
- I do work on Zoom and yes, it is as effective as a live reading
- I offer live readings, not written reports. I want to hear your voice! ❤️
- Prices are in pound sterling (GPB)
- I have clear reading policies that you can find here, because clarity and boundaries are great yay. For example, In the event you need to reschedule the reading, you must give 24 hours notice where reasonable - in the event of a “no show” you will forfeit your appointment and will not be refunded. Time is gold and I honour that.
- You can purchase a service also as a gift voucher.
- I welcome people from any path of life, personal choices, and sexual orientations. You are all welcome in your rawness and messiness.
- If after reading the descriptions you are still unsure of what reading is best for you, feel free to send me an email with a description of your situation and your questions, I will advise what's best for you.
Fill out the booking form with your exact birth information. I will then take some time to study your natal chart and map using my professional astro software and prepare some notes for you.
During our call, I will listen to your intention and we will go on a self-exploration journey with the support of your natal chart. Get ready to answer some interesting questions!
After the session you will receive a video and audio recording of your session, which you can download and save for future reference. Trust me, you'll want to come back to these notes!
Complete Psychological Natal Chart Consultation
This reading provides a deep understanding and insight into your life and helps to understand the meaning and purpose of this life journey, your talents, your relationships, challenges and opportunities.
Learn about what makes you unique and what you need to nurture in yourself
Discover your relationship needs, your sexual desires, the best way to relate with other people and cultivate better friendships
Your vocation and the obstacles to overcome in this lifetime
This reading can remain as a stand-alone, or you can have a follow up session or going deeper exploring one of the services below ( working on your karma, how to navigate your future, how to connect with your partner etc)
180 £
90 minute Live Session on Zoom
180 £
90 minute Live Session on Zoom
Evolutionary Natal Chart Reading
Evolutionary astrology is about the project of your soul in 'this life'. The interpretation of the native is related to the concept of reincarnation: a Soul chooses to incarnate from a spiritual to a material dimension in order to be able to evolve through the earthly experience.
Learn about the lessons you need to learn in this lifetime
Understand which karma you took in heritage from previous life times
Explore your trans generational traumas, secrets, and talents from your family tree
This reading is for clients who already had a Full Personal Natal Chart reading with me or with a colleague.
Relationship Synastry
Natal Chart Reading
with partners, family members, children
195 £
90 minute Live Session on Zoom
Synastry in Astrology is when we take two charts and place them on top of each other, to look at the strengths and weaknesses of a union. Astrology can help you to figure out what are the areas of difficulty and comfort you can expect with another person, whether that’s a relative, colleague, business partner or romantic/life partner, your child.
The Synastry dynamics and the composite chart helps you to:
Understand the deeper meaning of the relationship, the "why" you have come together.
Discover if you are entangled in a karmic relationship and how to navigate it
Learn your love languages, your relationship to money, your attachment styles, your orientation towards time and work, and drive towards success and how these values can be expressed in the relationship
The birth chart data of both partners is required (the time of birth is mandatory). Prior consent from both parts is necessary. Couple are welcome to be both present during the reading.
If only one person is present, the focus would be on the person present during the session.
Follow Up transit reading -
Planning for the future
120 £ - 60 minutes
155 £ - 90 minutes
Live Session on Zoom
If you’ve already had an initial astrology reading with me, and feel ready for a tune-up, a reminder, or a close look at your current or upcoming transits, try a 60-minute follow-up session! I'll offer insight, guidance, and counsel to make the best possible choices for your highest good.
Receive a clearer understanding of events – both opportunities and crises – that are currently unfolding in your life.
Learn about the best windows in time for taking future steps.
learn about potential themes of your next 12 months and get a good idea of what to potentially expect and how you can best prepare and be present when life happens.
This reading is for clients who already had a Full Personal Natal Chart reading with me or with a colleague.
Astrological Check-In
Explore one topic
120£ - 60 minutes
155 £ - 90 minutes
Live Session on Zoom
Do you feel stuck and do you need to talk about it?
Are you in a big transition and have more clarity on how to face it?
You can work with me and talk about any topic you want to go deeper to. Each session is tailored to your needs. We can look at specific topics/problems/choices that you're in the process of working out:
Relationship struggles and sexual blockages
Complex family and work dynamics
Issues with your vocation, career and direction in life
We can find out which cycles are at play in the weeks ahead so you can time your important choices and decisions, make the most of positive opportunity cycles, and know when it's time to go deep into personal processing due to outside circumstances that signal a time for change.
Astrology for
One session of 180-220 minutes
(split into 2 sessions in one day)
777 £
Live Session on Zoom + Personalized
Business workbook
Need help growing your brand and business but aren’t sure what to do next?
During our VIP Day I'll help you understand how to reach your business goals with the support of your own natal chart. My VIP Strategy Day is a fully immersive experience allowing you the space to embrace your business right NOW, and visualise the FUTURE. Having a day set aside to work just on your business can bring forth such powerful transformations. Some of the topics we can work together:
We will work on reaching clarity on goals both personally and professionally and a strategy to use to achieve your professional goals and your life mission
Work on your branding style, your unique values and your mission statement with the support of your own natal chart and the chart of your own business
We will work on your Zone of genius and understanding how to adapt your time so you are IN this zone
2 sessions:
One session of 120 minutes
One sessions of 90 minutes
999 £
Live Session on Zoom + Personalized
Business workbook
Astrology for
Explore your business chart and look at the astrological signature of your business, the meaning of your business's placements and what you can learn from your business. The personal tailored program is structured in 2 sessions:
During the first session, we will work on your life mission, your own offering, your relationship with money, and the best strategies to attract your clients and brand your own business.
During your second call, we will explore your own vision and talents connected to your own planets. We will work on your business signatures taking care of your birth chart and your business birth chart in order to gain clarity about your life purpose and business offerings. Also, we will work on your work and how you want to be out there in the world and when to make that happen. Colleagues? Allies? Collaborations? Co-creations?
Find the best places to live
in the world based on your natal chart
Would you like to know which are the best and most supportive places for you in the world based on your natal chart? Just as there are supportive planets and challenging planets, there are more supportive and challenging places in the world for you.
Discover which parts of the world are the best for your career, health and expansion
Explore where is best for you to feel peace, spiritual growth & receive healing
Discuss with me up to 3 locations you are considering moving to and discover which one is better based on your goals and needs
This reading is for clients who already had a Full Personal Natal Chart reading with me or with a colleague.
150 £ - 60 minutes
Live Session on Zoom
Working with your family lineage and ancestral line
1) Family Lineage Consultation
90-100 minutes - £280
Dive deep into your lineage, tracing generational themes and personal roles in your ancestral story.
2) Family Lineage Consultation + Geneosociogram & Astrological Constellation £555
Family Lineage Consultation + a second in-depth session in the same day that combines a genosociogram with astroconstellation insights.(100-120 mins)
Live Session on Zoom
Max 3 clients per month
Astro-Genealogy combines astrology and genealogy for the purpose of achieving greater understanding of a family or a lineage. Integral to this practice is the process of analyzing and studying family relationships and patterns by overlaying a family three with a natal chart for each member, drawing out characteristics of individual personalities as both a product and an influence on family dynamics.
Learn about your connection with your ancestors and how they are connected with you
Learn about transgenerational trauma and how it gets expressed in your natal chart
Draw your family tree and discover which role are you currently occupy and if it serves the greater good of your mission and your lineage at large
Understand the personalities of the individual family members and ancestors, their relationships and family dynamics, and the shared soul journeys of each person and group.
Understand the patterns, both challenging and beneficial, that have been carried through the generations.
In discovering the stories, their underlying meaning, and the richness of our ancestry we will create together the potential for self healing and offer a clearer path to your future lineage.
I will ask you as many astrological data as possible from your family lineage. This work requires time, presence and the willingness to dive into your family lineage in a deep astrological and energetic way.
Hire me to your special event, party, talk
Would you like to invite me to co-create something with you? Super interested!
I am available for: festivals, private events, talks, marriages (I love weddings!), zoom parties, bachelorette party and corporate events.
I have Mars in Sagittarius in the MC, so I am very happy to travel to get to you.
Contact me and let’s talk.