“We are all just walking each other home.”
Ram Dass
Let's talk about the idea of a “Soul Plan”. Do you think that there is a meaning in whatever happens in your life or is it just a random sequence of chaotic actions? There are a few ideas out there, let's try to do some brainstorming.
The body you are in, and the personality you've chosen (your Sun) is like a costume (your Ascendant) and it's a part your soul has chosen to play.
Let's start saying that part of your Soul is not here, it includes what you have been, what you are and you will be, and it lives beyond time and space.
Another part of the soul comes down and animates this physical incarnation, from birth to death, and then brings back to the entire Soul self the lessons and experiences of that single life, to integrate into the Soul's understanding of the Universe.
Why does part of the Soul come down here? The limited choices and goal brought from every single life bring life and understanding in a way an existence that is completely outside of time and space won't comprehend.
Without contrast and separation is not possible to develop consciousness. Being born and incarnating you are openly declaring an act of separation from Oneness. From the magic ultimate and magic connection to the womb to the cut that brings your individual self to this life.
You cannot know joy if there is no sorrow; you cannot know peace unless you have experienced its lack — whether through worry, war or chaos. That's why you go through cyclic karmic cycles to fully understand something. It may go through a series of lives where its life is full of love and compassion, both given and received. Then, it may have lives where very little compassion is available to it from others, and it must make its way in the world without the kindness and stability compassion brings. Then, it chooses a third series of lives where it has very little compassion for other beings or circumstances, to study how that affects its own life situations. When it has completed this Grand Cycle of learning, the Soul has brought back a many-faceted view of how compassion works in the material world.
But why are there so many challenges in life? Why does life sometimes feel so difficult and well, so damn hard?
We cannot avoid suffering, my dear!
Well, even Buddha, the enlightened, explained that The first noble truth is that suffering, pain and misery exist in life.
Buddha himself knew that life on earth is full of hardships and miseries and even he had to suffer the hardships that he had chosen for himself.
Before attaining Buddhahood, Gautam Buddha was a prince born in a royal family. Renunciation of nobility and the attempt to make people believe in him was an ordeal but he had chosen it.
To appreciate the best and the purest, the soul requires to experience the opposite and earth happens to be the best place for that. The soul also plans challenges that will help it ascend spiritually and assist it in realizing its true potential. It learns with every experience that it has on earth as different incarnations. It's like a game. Let me get this clearer with an example.
Let's say a Soul wants to experience abundance, then it might go through
• A life as a Buddhist Monk in which there is not plenty of material abundance but a strong God connection
• A life as a businessman which lots of $$$
• An incarnation as real estate investor in which huge loss is experienced during the second part of life in which the person needs to trust on a higher scheme of things to reconnect to their Soul.
You got the idea?
How can you know in which part of the cycle you are? You can use several spiritual practices, past life regression, shamanic practices or use astrology: in karmic astrology terms you need to study your South and North Node and your Pluto position.
All of these challenges engineered within your Soul Plan that in a natal chart are indicated by Saturn, Chiron, the interceptions and the South Node, are there to remind you of who you are at your core. You are more than a mask, a set of predetermined limitations and choices determined by fear.
And even making decisions based upon fear is something that will pull a person off their path. However, in a larger cosmic sense, you could say it's never really possible to be off of your path because your soul knows that will also be a learning opportunity. “Everything is perfectly imperfect.”
So, are you saying I made this weird Soul Plan before coming here to invite some learning opportunities and new ways to experience the mystery of life ( North Node)? Yep.
Why should I know about it?
When you realize that the plans you made before you were born included all the “tough stuff” you have to go through — relationship roller coasters, health challenges, financial ups and downs, career flops, you can shift from the idea that “God/Fate/Karma really has it in for me” and more about “how can I take all these things that have happened to me and use them to grow and make my life better?”.
Think the first way and you feel powerless and put-upon. Think the Soul Plan way and you realize that you are the engineer driving your life experiences, no matter where the train track may lead.
The more you make a conscious choice at the vibration of trust and faith, patience, acceptance and empathy the easier things will get.
Are you directly experiencing the process of your Soul plan?
Are you connecting with some of the challenging moments of your life with openness?
What is life showing you at this moment in life?
You can explore deeper this topic with the following books:
Robert Schwartz, Your Soul's Plan
Brian Weiss, Many Lives, Many Masters
Michael Newton, Journey of Souls
Raymond Moody, Life after Life
Dolores Cannon, Between Life and Death
Or you can study karmic astrology with me and discover how the Grand Cycles of your life work.
We will be looking at crystalizing beliefs that you took in heritage from previous lifetimes, and with the support of the natal chart, you will be able to understand where you current life experiences and lessons are located.