Evolutionary Natal Chart Reading


Evolutionary astrology is about the project of your soul in 'this life'. The interpretation of the native is related to the concept of reincarnation: a Soul chooses to incarnate from a spiritual to a material dimension in order to be able to evolve through the earthly experience.

  • Learn about the lessons you need to learn in this lifetime

  • Understand which karma you took in heritage from previous life times

  • Explore your trans generational traumas, secrets, and talents from your family tree

This reading is for clients who already had a Full Personal Natal Chart reading with me or with a colleague.


Evolutionary astrology is about the project of your soul in 'this life'. The interpretation of the native is related to the concept of reincarnation: a Soul chooses to incarnate from a spiritual to a material dimension in order to be able to evolve through the earthly experience.

  • Learn about the lessons you need to learn in this lifetime

  • Understand which karma you took in heritage from previous life times

  • Explore your trans generational traumas, secrets, and talents from your family tree

This reading is for clients who already had a Full Personal Natal Chart reading with me or with a colleague.

Evolutionary astrology is about the project of your soul in 'this life'. The interpretation of the native is related to the concept of reincarnation: a Soul chooses to incarnate from a spiritual to a material dimension in order to be able to evolve through the earthly experience.

  • Learn about the lessons you need to learn in this lifetime

  • Understand which karma you took in heritage from previous life times

  • Explore your trans generational traumas, secrets, and talents from your family tree

This reading is for clients who already had a Full Personal Natal Chart reading with me or with a colleague.

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